Lou's Training Split - Contest prep

Here is a training split I use for contest prep:
Monday: Chest (primary), Triceps (secondary*), Abs
Tuesday: Upper Back - width (primary), biceps (secondary)
Wednesday: Quads, calves, abs
Thursday: Shoulders, traps
Friday: Triceps, biceps, abs
Saturday: Lower/mid back - thickness, hamstrings, calves
Sunday: Cardio, abs
* Primary refers to the body part I am concentrating on while secondary is the body part I hit in addition to the primary but not at the same level of intensity. For example on Monday, I train chest as the main body part and very intensely. Afterwards, I train triceps for 2-3 exercises max since my triceps have already gotten some stress from the chest workout. I do these secondary exercises for the body parts that I work twice a week and the next time I work that body part, it will be at a higher intensity level.
Cardio - Again, since I am in contest prep mode, I am doing cardio almost every day. I like to keep my cardio sessions from 20-30 minutes max and I almost always do cardio immediately following my weight training. Cardio for me includes stair stepper intervals, treadmill, and bicycling.
Monday: Chest (primary), Triceps (secondary*), Abs
Tuesday: Upper Back - width (primary), biceps (secondary)
Wednesday: Quads, calves, abs
Thursday: Shoulders, traps
Friday: Triceps, biceps, abs
Saturday: Lower/mid back - thickness, hamstrings, calves
Sunday: Cardio, abs
* Primary refers to the body part I am concentrating on while secondary is the body part I hit in addition to the primary but not at the same level of intensity. For example on Monday, I train chest as the main body part and very intensely. Afterwards, I train triceps for 2-3 exercises max since my triceps have already gotten some stress from the chest workout. I do these secondary exercises for the body parts that I work twice a week and the next time I work that body part, it will be at a higher intensity level.
Cardio - Again, since I am in contest prep mode, I am doing cardio almost every day. I like to keep my cardio sessions from 20-30 minutes max and I almost always do cardio immediately following my weight training. Cardio for me includes stair stepper intervals, treadmill, and bicycling.
Lou's Training Split - Off-season

Here is my latest training split I am currently using in the off season but I'll likely keep this one for a while, even once I start prep for 2014:
Monday: Chest (primary), Shoulders (secondary*) Triceps (secondary*), Abs
Tuesday: Upper Back - width (primary), biceps (secondary)
Wednesday: Quads, hamstrings, calves
Thursday: HIIT cardio, Abs
Friday: Shoulders, Triceps (giant sets), traps
Saturday: Lower/mid back - thickness, Quads/Hamstrings/Calves, biceps (yet, it's a long session!)
Sunday: Rest!
Let me give you a few details about the above split.
Wednesday is my primary leg day. That means heavy free bar squats, hack squats, lunges, etc.
Saturday is a power day. I normally start off with sumo style dead lifts followed by some quad exercises like leg presses or V-squats (trying to bring up the legs), then over to back for some heavy DB rows, T-bar rows, etc.
Cardio - As expected, there is a big reduction in cardio in the off-season, although it is not completely eliminated. My cardio sessions are limited to 20-30 minutes (mostly stair master) a couple times a week and I still do cardio immediately following my weight training. And yep, I still bike to the gym for a nice pre-workout warm-up and cool down.
Monday: Chest (primary), Shoulders (secondary*) Triceps (secondary*), Abs
Tuesday: Upper Back - width (primary), biceps (secondary)
Wednesday: Quads, hamstrings, calves
Thursday: HIIT cardio, Abs
Friday: Shoulders, Triceps (giant sets), traps
Saturday: Lower/mid back - thickness, Quads/Hamstrings/Calves, biceps (yet, it's a long session!)
Sunday: Rest!
Let me give you a few details about the above split.
Wednesday is my primary leg day. That means heavy free bar squats, hack squats, lunges, etc.
Saturday is a power day. I normally start off with sumo style dead lifts followed by some quad exercises like leg presses or V-squats (trying to bring up the legs), then over to back for some heavy DB rows, T-bar rows, etc.
Cardio - As expected, there is a big reduction in cardio in the off-season, although it is not completely eliminated. My cardio sessions are limited to 20-30 minutes (mostly stair master) a couple times a week and I still do cardio immediately following my weight training. And yep, I still bike to the gym for a nice pre-workout warm-up and cool down.